We're Gonna Try

For the first time in 350+ devotionals, I’m going to write a series.

First, this series will discuss our “ministry philosophy.” Which is fancy-talk for “the way we’re gonna try to do the things we do.” These are guiding principles, attitudes, and ways we can assess what we’re doing. Are we just co-opting worldly values and methods? Or are we being reshaped by the Spirit of our God?

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About Good Works

What are the "works" that are the signs of living faith?

First, this is obedience to Jesus
This involves making disciples of Jesus, for Jesus: "Go...make disciples." (Mat 28:19-20) Yet within this command Jesus says, "teaching them to obey all I have commanded you." So obedience to the disciple-making command involves being alert to Jesus' teachings and commands.

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Someone Needs A Hug

A few weeks back we talked about James 2:1-13: social partiality and social mercy. About the social gravity that trials exert on us to seek "easy" connections. People who don't stress us out. We are partial to the people we think will make our lives easier.

Thank God that Jesus isn't like that. 

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Here's one of the many beautiful developments in Scripture

1. God's Word runs the universe. From creation to the end, as 2 Samuel 22:31says, "The Word of the Lord proves True." God says it, and there is it! (Gen 1:3) God's Word runs everything; God's Word will be established. God's Word is always trustworthy.

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Terrorists know that the best way to maximum damage is to weaponize good things. Put a bomb in a hospital. Send a mother and child into the market strapped with explosives. Poison the water supply. (Where did they come up with this idea? Something so repugnant and inhuman?)

How do you feel, as a Christian? In relation to God? Shame and guilt? Like a failure? Rightly accused for your sins and weakness? 

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You Forgot One!

What is the Word of the LORD for you today?

Here's an observation from 1-2 Samuel that can help answer this. The Word of the Lord in 1-2 Samuel included the Word of God's anointing--i.e. the statement of fact that Saul, and then David, was anointed by God. 

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This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand...that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hand. (1Sam 17:46-47)

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"The single most characteristic thing about David is his relationship to God. ...The evidence for David's pervasive, saturated awareness of God is in his profusion of metaphor: rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, horn of salvation, stronghold, savior. David is immersed in God. Every visibility reveals an invisibility. David names God by metaphor."

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In Luke 4:16-21 Jesus announces that the hope of a just, healthy, community is fulfilled in Him. Hooray! Justice!

Guess what happens next? They carry Jesus on their shoulders and celebrate? Nope. They try to lynch Him.

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The Shrimp

David versus Goliath looks like Genesis 3. There is the "snake" defying God. There is King "Adam," charged with "keeping" God's people but failing. But this is new: a Spirit-filled champion who will answer the snake so God's glory might fill the earth. And he will sacrifice himself to see it done. It reminds us of Genesis 3 but also pictures the future fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15-promise.

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Your Strength

In 2 Samuel 13-18, David is broken; he's a non-character: he stops being an actor and becomes a prop. But it's still David’s story; only now it is told through the story of others. And there is only one character in these chapters who interacts with David in a good way.

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